If not ride, cheer. If not sweat, hydrate!

If not ride, cheer. If not sweat, hydrate!

One week countdown begins for 24 Hours of Booty! You have read why we support 24 HOB, why we ride and we dispelled the myths of riding in 24 HOB….so what are you waiting for? If we still haven’t convinced you to mount a two wheeler, then come join our cheering section Friday July 24th at 6:30 pm to help encourage the GoJenGo team! We will be in the median along Queens Road W just past the intersection of East BLVD and Kings Drive before the riders head up Hopedale. We will provide some beverages (for adults and children!).

Make signs and wear your GJG colors!

Use the map below and look for GoJenGo signs. There is parking near Freedom Park and along the side streets bordering the route! See you there!

There is still time to join our team or donate:

JOIN THE TEAM. Click this link to ride and raise money on the GoJenGo team. We will have a cool jersey, not to mention our own cheering section!

DONATE. Click this link if you can’t be there in person, but want to put dollars towards a great cause! Pick a name of a Go Jen Go cyclist and it will go towards the GoJenGo team.

– See more at: https://gojengo.org/2015/06/booty-time/#sthash.zgHSKBJv.dpuf
– See more at: https://gojengo.org/2015/07/if-not-ride-cheer-if-not-sweat-hydrate/#sthash.fnwMBOEB.dpuf

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