07 Dec Make Christmas real
Christmas somehow became real this weekend, didn’t it? Every other car driving down the road had a tree tied on top, twinkly lights were strewn all over rooftops and trees, and inflatable Rudolfs were too numerous to count. There is excitement and anticipation as school winds down; families are ready enjoy the holidays.
But some families won’t be able to enjoy the holidays unless we help them. That’s why at GoJenGo, we have our annual Operation Spread the Joy. Each year we create a SignUpGenius list so you can sign up and purchase gifts for several families who are struggling financially because they can’t afford Christmas and the cost of daily living, and breast cancer.
Here are just a couple of scenarios to break your heart: we have three young children who lost their mother (who was only 33 years old) to breast cancer just two weeks ago. She and her husband had done their Christmas shopping before she died, but her husband can’t afford the layaway payments to pick up the gifts they selected.
We have another mother who has two daughters who were born deaf and a son who is quadriplegic. She just wants to be able to buy them each a few small things for Christmas.
A few small things. That’s all these families are asking for. And you can help them.
Please click on our SignUpGenius link and select two or three items to purchase for these families. Because while Christmas may be real to us? It’s not real for these families. Not yet. They don’t know how they can afford Christmas; needless to say, there will be no inflatable Rudolf on their lawn. But there can be gifts under their tree.
Thank you so much for helping us make Christmas a reality for these families. Thank you for giving these children, who live with the implications of breast cancer every day, something to be excited about.
Instructions and deadlines are included on the SignUpGenius page. We wish you a joyous holiday season!
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